Jason c.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Über Jason c.

50 Jahre alt | Architect


We are Reiko and Jason; a married couple from Australia. We are professionals; Reiko is a Demand Planner, Jason is an Architect who manages engineering projects. We have many professional references on our Linkedin profiles, please see below.

Reiko is 35 years old and Jason is 44 years old. We are married and we wish to live in Southern Germany or Switzerland because we have many good friends here and have met so many more excellent people from this area. The area also has the culture and natural beauty we are looking for with excellent connections to so many other interesting places.

We will spend 2018 learning to speak and write fluently in German, then we will continue our professional careers in Southern Germany or Switzerland. During this time we will have time to enjoy gardening, meeting new people and exploring new places. We will not have our pets with us and we will miss them, so we would be happy to become friends with your pets and take of them whilst you are away.

Jason loves gardening and comes from a family who has always had cats and dogs. When Jason was a young boy he had his own small business looking after many peoples gardens and pets during school holidays in the area where he lived. This included watering the gardens, cutting the grass, feeding the pets, giving pets their medicines and taking pets for walks. Jason loves animals and nature, and loves hiking in the mountains. He also enjoys playing tennis and golf.

Reiko loves nature and animals and comes from a conservative traditional Japanese family which always had a pet dog. As Reiko comes from a traditional Japanese culture, she is conservative and is very respectful to other people and their belongings. Reiko also loves hiking in the mountains and is a very good tennis player.

We live healthy lives. We do not smoke and we do not drink a lot. We enjoy exercise by walking, hiking and playing tennis. Our socialising usually happens during the day because we like to go to bed early. We enjoy traveling and meeting nice and interesting people from different cultures and we hope you will trust us to take care of your home and pets whilst you are away.

Reiko and Jason

PS: please click these links to view the references on our Linkedin profiles.
Reiko: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reiko-shoji-2811bb41/
Jason: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-cunningham-18477571/

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Reiko, Supply Chain Planner, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch |

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Aude m.

Reichertshausen, Germany - Juni 2018

Jason et Reiko se sont très bien occupé de notre maison et de nos animaux en notre absence. Ils ont pris le temps de faire de grandes promenades avec notre chien. Ils ont été attentifs à nos recommandations. Ils ont su faire preuve de flexibilité et de discrétion lorsque nous avons cohabité. Reiko a eu la grande gentillesse de cuisiner pour nous le soir lorsque nous avions passé la journée au travail. Nous regrettons de ne pas avoir été plus disponibles durant leur séjour pour mieux apprendre à les connaître. Nous ferons à nouveau appel à eux pour leur confier notre maison et nos animaux.

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