Donald grant o.

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Rose Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Donald grant o.

64 Jahre alt | Retired

We are a retired early sixties couple living in our ocean-side 'forever' home. Debra was a self-employed marketing specialist working from home for some of Canada's largest insurance and investment firms and Grant worked for a non-profit helping aspiring rural entrepreneurs realize their dream. Now, Debra is enjoying time to paint and play music as well as practice her tai chi skills. Grant is enjoying more time on the golf course and getting out on his sport motorcycle. Together we ocean kayak, hike, cycle, and occasionally golf together.

Our travel is always the type that allows us to experience the locale we are visiting. Not ones for the all-inclusive or package vacation we've camped in New Zealand, cycled in France, and have rarely used a piece of luggage with wheels; preferring backpacks for our forays abroad. We are seeking opportunities to spend time living like a local. We would also consider a house swap under the right circumstances.

While our current digs are relatively new, we've always been homeowners including a hobby farm with a century old house. As a result, we have experience dealing with the upkeep of lawns and gardens as well as unexpected repairs and occurrences that come with home ownership. We have always had pets of one type or another, songbirds, cats, and dogs. Our current family includes a rescue dog, Milo (german shepherd X). We both have more than a passing familiarity with horses, from feeding to mucking out. We have done a few house sits through Trusted Housesitters and one through Nomador and also have lots of experience looking after homes and pets for our friends over the years while they travel.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Debra, 64 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Martine k.

Étiolles, France - Mai 2019

Grant et son épouse sont un couple charmant que nos deux chiens ont visiblement apprécié. Nous avons retrouvé une maison en ordre. En résumé, je ne peux que les recommander. Martine HAUSSMANN

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