Barbara R.

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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


Über Barbara R.

66 Jahre alt | Retired | Als Paar/Duo

We are 66 and 65 years old. I am retired from my banking career and my husband is retired from his job with the BC government in the Ministry of Agriculture. Part of my husbands job was to ensure the health and well being of the farm animals when he would visit farms. My husband was a 4H member and lived on a small farm growing up and is very comfortable around animals. We have moved many times and owned numerous homes. We have built or renovated all of them so my husband is a very handy person and we will take good care of your home just like we do our own. We have had cats, kittens and dogs in our home and my husband on his small farm with horses, sheep, pigs and chickens.

We completed a house sit in May 2018 in Brittany France. We loved the opportunity it provided us to get a better feel of France, the people and the countryside. We have travelled to France 4 times since 2010 with our longest stay being 6 weeks. We rent a car and visit many areas that we have never been to previously and that is what we hope to do in future stays. It was very nice to have a longer stay and take our time visiting. We also travelled for 6 weeks in France, Italy, and home via Germany. We spent 1 month in Italy and loved everything about it and dream of returning one day. With both of us being retired we are very flexible with times of travel and look forward to visiting more of Europe in the years ahead.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
William, 67 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Christel v.

Drancy, France - Mai 2018

Barb et Bill sont des gens adorables et discrets. Nous sommes partis en vacances tranquilles, en sachant qu'ils s'occuperaient de nos animaux et de notre maison comme la leur. Un vrai bonheur aussi, de partager de brefs moments agréables.

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