Sabine t.

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Riga, Latvia


Über Sabine t.

Project manager

We are an active couple based in Riga for a few years. As we travel a lot for our jobs, we are looking for cat sitters to take care of our 2 cats.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mathieu, 48 Jahre alt, Pilot, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Herzlicher Gastgeber
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Natalia and mario

Montreal, Canada - Mai 2019

Pet and house sitting for Sabine and Mathieu was great. They were very responsive and easy to communicate with. The apartment was very nice and the cats super lovely and cute. Riga is also a charming city. We would definitely pet sit for Sabine and Mathieu again.

Céline K.

Paris, France - August 2018

Sabine's family is very welcoming. The communication beetween us have been very fluid. The house have all commodities and is well located. I had also the opportunity to visit a nice town and to had good tips from my hosts. My stay in Riga have been very peaceful with the 2 tortoiseshell cats.

Therese (Tess) H.

Honolulu, United States - Mai 2018

I had a wonderful stay here with two very nice cats. It is a very clean and spacious home and I was very comfortable. Mathieu and Sabine were easy to stay in touch with and I felt welcomed. It is a short bus ride or inexpensive taxi to get into the city of Riga, and the location itself is very peaceful. The cats were very nice company and I enjoyed taking care of them.

3-3 von insgesamt 11

Logement de Sabine t.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

3 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 13 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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