Daniel G.

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Águas, Castelo Branco, Portugal

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Daniel G.

73 Jahre alt | music teacher

Dear friends !
I reckon that having the chance to dwell in a friend’s or acquaintance’s house or to be « house sitting » fosters a more caring attention a deeper awareness in the relation with the place than being in one’s own house.
Probably because it is « alive » or impregnated with the personality the tastes the life habits of the owners their relatives and their pets. (or may be simply out of respect)
I used to be a music teacher and had the opportunity to apprehend and discover people’s sensitivity tastes and talents and the links that were developing with their personal objects and environment.
I still consider myself an artist but I now dedicate myself more to nature discovery meditation and silence.
I am vegetarian and enjoy early morning meditation 05:00 AM meaning of course that I am not a night kind of person.
At the age of 66 , I am still traveling and seeking encounters with genuine cultures and folks and and as the say « traveling keeps you young », meaning that I should certainly have the energy to take care of your house.
I find very interesting the fact that after all these years of living most the time in temporary dwellings such as rented houses or bungalows, some time in home stays I’ve developed a more conscious and enticing relation to « Houses »
Of course I have over the years sometimes had a house on my own and developed these daily routines around the house gardening and taking care of pets (I’ve up to 9 or 10 cats living around the farm while living for 12 years in the Swiss PreAlps. (Meaning gardening and basic house care is granted)
All the best .

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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Castelo Branco, Portugal

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