Ashley h.

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Harrisonburg, Virginia, United States


Über Ashley h.

39 Jahre alt | Restraunteur

HI! I am an animal and travel lover. This opportunity to travel and live like locals do in other countries and care for their pets feels like a dream come true. At home in Virginia, I have been a member and owner of a worker-owned cooperative restaurant for the last 10 years. I also teach English online to students in China. This May 2018 begins a year of teaching and traveling abroad. For the first few months my dear friend Meredith will be joining me. The two of us are very responsible, caring individuals who will prioritize the health and happiness of your pets, and take great care in maintaining your home while you are away. If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me. I am happy to help you know me better, and if chosen to stay at your home, hopefully to help you feel at ease about your travel plans.

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