Yvonne & andreas

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Merano, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Yvonne & andreas


We are a quiet and respectful married couple who loves animals and travel.
Andreas is a Headchef and Yvonne is a Teacher for German, History and Geography. With both of our jobs, we need to be reliable and trust-worthy and it is something our employers and clients, also students and parents rely upon.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Andreas, chef, Ehepartner / Partner

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Robyn and david

Usak, Turkey - November 2016

Andreas and Yvonne cared for our 3 dogs and 6 cats for almost 4 weeks Oct-early November 2016. Our sit might be considered 'challenging' for some -- our youngest dog is a nervous guy outside, and thought sweet is sometimes hard to walk (bec. he is scared of so many things). Another dog has cancer and though she is for the most part outwardly fine, eating and walking and interacting as usual, she does have a special diet that requires a bit of food preparation, and needs to go out to do her business more frequently than the other dogs. Two dogs are on medications and need to be pilled. To further complicate things, Andreas and Yvonne stepped in to help in the middle of our 7-week trip after other pet sitters decided that the sit was not for them, and informed us they wanted out before our scheduled return from our overseas trip.. This meant that we could not orient them personally to the house and the animals. Despite all that, they did beautifully -- we returned to a very tidy home and very, very happy and unstressed animals. It was immediately apparent that this couple cared for our dogs and cats as we do, that every animal had received lots of attention and love, that medications were given as they needed to be and that our one dog's special diet was followed to the letter. Andreas and Yvonne were responsible with the petty cash we left, dealt with getting a monthly parking sticker for our car, topped up our mobile phone, picked up additional medication at the vet's, informed us of the arrival of important bills and other mail, and kept us updated as to what was going on with the animals. Even the plants in our courtyard look better than when we left! Their calm, reassuring presence in our home after a rough and stressful start with the other sitters enabled us to make for lost time in terms of productivity (we travel for work) and getting some enjoyment out of the last half of our trip. We recommend Yvonne and Andreas highly and would feel lucky to have them stay in our home and look after our pets again.

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