Kiva G.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Sofia, Sofia City Province, Bulgaria

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Kiva G.

50 Jahre alt | Virtual Assistant | Allein

I'm a 50 year old, non-smoking, super clean, mature, tidy, respectful and experienced house and pet sitter, looking to have a change of scenery while I work from home, and love to have some furry and fluffy housemates to keep me company! I'm a non-driver and thus, can only take city sits - and also beach sits in the summer months. I have 40+ 5-star reviews on TrustedHousesitters that I can link you to also.

N.B. I also don't take sits with indoor surveillance cameras or where I would be expected to pay household bills. Many thanks.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Gabrielle d.

Salon-de-Provence, France - März 2019

It only took 5 minutes taking over the phone to know that Caoimhe was going to be a great homesitter. With lots of experience taking care of pets, Caoimhe made me feel reassured that my expectations would be met. An excellent communicator, kind and friendly our 2 cats were loved & very well looked after. To my delight, my home was immaculate upon my return. I highly recommend Caoimhe.

Heloise f.

Boulogne-Billancourt, France - November 2018

Since the first contact, Caoimhe was extremely kind, friendly and returned all our questions promptly. She was careful with the house, attentive with Totóia and with our plants too. Always kept us informed and had even made friends in the neighborhood. We could not have had a better experience. We do recommend Caoimhe as pet and house-sitter.

Claudia C.

Marseille, France - Oktober 2018

Grâce à Caoimhe, j ai pu m absenter 7 semaines pour un voyage à l étranger. Il n était pas évident de trouver quelqu un de disponible pour une absence aussi longue. Caoimhe est une jeune personne sympathique, souriante, curieuse de la ville de Marseille, qu elle a beaucoup appréciée. J ai eu des nouvelles des chats, nous avons échangé des e mails lorsque nécessaire. A mon retour j ai trouvé l appartement propre et rangé, et mes deux chats en forme. Par contre pour certaines plantes ça a été un peu plus compliqué .... Je recommande sans problème Caoimhe si vous avez besoin d une home/ pet sitter. Merci Caoimhe :D

Varvara D.

La Hulpe, Belgium - Juni 2018

Caoimbe was a great guest! I was very happy to have her over to take care of my animal and plants. The house was left spotless and the dog was not even happy to see me back... I think she had a very good time without me !!!!! Caoimbe was sending pictures and we had cery good contact! I recommend her without hesitation

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