Klaudia & françois

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Budapest, Hungary

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Klaudia & françois

38 Jahre alt | Sonothérapie & Méditation sonore | Als Paar/Duo

Bonjour! We are Klaudia and François, a Franco-Hungarian couple with a deep love for travel, culture, and animals.

Over the past few years, we've had the joy of house-sitting in different countries, taking care of homes and furry friends. We enjoy living like locals in different countries and immersing ourselves in new experiences.

As we are often on the road, we don’t currently have the opportunity to have our own pets, so we truly enjoy spending time with animals whenever we house-sit. We are non-smokers, active, and fit, and we love hiking, exploring nature, and gardening. We’re also very comfortable keeping a tidy home and taking care of any household tasks.

We both have Master’s degrees, and are currently prioritise working remotely to be able to travel and enjoy a different lifestyle. Klaudia works in sound therapy and yoga, while François is a photographer specialising in street photography and portraits. We've taken care of homes in both urban and rural settings, and we appreciate the different aspects that both environments can offer.

We value trust and clear communication, and we're always happy to provide references from previous hosts. House-sitting allows us to combine our love for travel, animals, and local immersion—so we look forward to the opportunity to care for your home and pets while you're away.

If you'd like to know more about us or have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Warm regards,
**Klaudia & François**

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Francois, 38 Jahre alt, Coach de Vie/Photographe, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Bereits gebuchte Zeiträume

  • Vom 26/09/2024 bis zum 13/10/2024

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Corinne T.

Meudon, France - September 2024

La prise de contact avec Klaudia et François a été très facile. Lors du séjour, ils se sont particulièrement bien occupés des animaux et ont été attentifs aux recommandations que nous leur avons donné. Ils ont fait preuve de souplesse dans leur organisation au regard de nos contraintes. Nous recommandons sans hésitation ce couple qui a été respectueux de l'environnement et les accueilleront avec plaisir lors d'un prochain séjour.

Janika M.

Tallinn, Estonia - Januar 2024

This was our first experience with Nomador and we could not have been more lucky and happy to have met Klaudia and François. They were delightful house-sitters - open, honest and energetic, very good at communicating (sending great photos and videos of the animals), quick to answer questions and made us feel calm and confident that the house and pets were in good hands. A real pleasure to meet them and looking forward to a second stay looking after our home and pets in Tallinn in 2024.

Reid H.

New York, United States - September 2023

Klaudia and François were fantastic sitters for our house and cat. This was our first time using nomador, and I can't imagine a better experience. They were friendly and easy to coordinate with to get the trip set up, I got to meet them when they arrived and they were lovely, and then they took great care of our cat, Athena, and kept us up to date regularly. They even brought nice treats and left flowers for us when we got back. I'm so happy to have met them -- couldn't recommend them more.

Julia A.

Paris, France - Juni 2021

Klaudia et François sont d'excellents homesitters ! On en redemande ! Ils se sont super bien occupés de notre chat, de notre terrasse et potager, de l'intérieur. Tous les 2-3 jours nous avions un message, une vidéo de notre chat, voire même une chanson composée au piano à la gloire de notre "chat de marque" ... Très drôles et très enthousiastes, ils forment le couple idéal pour garder votre maison et vos animaux. S'il y avait une médaille du homesitter ce serait médaille d'Or.

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