Leon l.

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Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Leon l.

51 Jahre alt | Freelance Translator / Illustrator | Als Paar/Duo

I'm a translator (mainly from French and English to Italian), and a painter / illustrator.

I deeply love all animals (I've been vegetarian for many years), but I feel a special connection with cats, and I greatly enjoy their company, so I'd be especially happy to house-sit where there are some felines to take care of!

I'm very interested in permaculture and plants, and I can take care of a small garden if properly instructed.

Also, I used to run a hostel some years ago, so I have a solid experience of housekeeping.

I've started the pet/home-sitting adventure a couple of years ago, and I'm liking it a lot! Seems a great way to visit places! The place where I was born, and where I've been living for the last couple of years, is truly beautiful, but I'm a nomad at heart; spent years in different countries/cities for studies and work, and still the urge to get on the move, and be somewhere else, gets me at times! I especially love to explore cities where I've never been before, seeing everything for the first time and having the chance to stay and live there for a few days/weeks - and for this, Nomador offers great opportunities.
Luckily I'm a remote worker/digital nomad, so I have the freedom to travel at any time, anywhere!

On occasions I pet-sit together with my girlfriend, or she comes visit me where I'm home-sitting (she has an office job and isn't free to move as I am!), here's her profile on Nomador:

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alessandra, 31 Jahre alt, Logistics manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Bereits gebuchte Zeiträume

  • Vom 20/11/2024 bis zum 20/02/2025

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Eelkje N.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - November 2023

León cat and house sat my home multiple times before. But that was my previous appartement. This was for the first time in my new home and new neighborhood. As always he left it very clean and my cats are happy! That's all I want :) Highly recommend.

R Y.

Utrecht, Netherlands - Mai 2023

Thanks to Leon and his partner, my long trip has been carefree. He frequently kept me informed about my cat with many photos. He is respectful, easygoing and flexible. He kept the house really clean and organized. He did a beautiful portrait of our cat! Thank you and I hope to see you again!

Eelkje N.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - April 2023

Already the fourth time Leon took care of my home and cats, and somehow I don't think this was the last time. I couldn't ask for a better cat sitter! Highly recommend.

Fiona K.

Zwolle, Netherlands - Februar 2023

Leon was my house-sitter last for two weeks. He took care of my cat (with medication), my aquarium and my plants. We had good contact during his stay, he send me frequently updates of my cat where in i could see and read that he understood the character of my cat very well. When i returned home, i found it cleaner than i left it ;) And he left me a beautiful suprise: a portret of my cat! Which hangs proudly on the wall! I am Leon very grateful for taking care of my place!

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