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Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über camille

39 Jahre alt | Artiste brodeuse | Allein

Je suis Camille, artiste brodeuse très inspirée par la nature et les animaux.
J’ai vécu avec des chats, des chiens, des lapins, des poules et des oiseaux.
J'adore voyager, rencontrer les gens, découvrir de nouveaux pays et de nouvelles cultures.
Les animaux me rendent heureuse, ils m'apportent du bien-être.
Je suis très enthousiaste à l’idée de m' occuper de vos animaux de compagnie :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Dorothee p.

New York, United States - Juli 2022

My husband Arnaud and I had the best experience with Camille and her partner Alex. They did an incredible job with our cat who is usually shy as she adopted them right away . We definitely felt she had been in great hands when we came back as she was more relaxed than usual and Camille and Alex sent us videos during our vacation with our cat purring, something she had never done before with strangers. We were also delighted how Camille and Alex took care of our plants and the apartment. Plus they are wonderful people, we had great fun spending one night with them and discovering Camille's artwork. The communication between us was always easy. We definitely will ask them to come back if a new opportunity comes up and definitely recommend them as pet and house sitters . The best we ever had.

Ruud c.

Paris, France - Oktober 2019

Camille and Alex took great care of Sticker, who loved their company as well and went to sleep in their bed with them during the night. They kept us informed and we found the house very neat and tidy upon our return. We are especially grateful for their flexibility to change the start date at very short notice. Thanks !! Camille en Alex hebben heel goed voor Sticker gezorgd, die iedere nacht bij hen op bed geslapen heeft! Regelmatig ontvingen we updates en foto’s van hoe het ging. Alles was goed en we troffen het huis erg schoon en netjes aan bij terugkomst. Alex en Camille waren heel flexibel toen we onverwacht, kort van tevoren, de startdatum moesten veranderen.

Ankit gupta

Meguro City, Japan - Juni 2019

this was our first experience on Nomador and we can proudly say we are happy we stumbled on this community. We wouldnt have been able to travel with the peace that we did had it not been for camille and Alexander. Even though the dogs gave them a lot of trouble while we were away they accepted it happily and took care with utmost dedication and love. I would love to recommend them to anyone looking to house sit. Camille and Alexander, you are welcome back to japan anytime. :)

Magalie R.

Vitry-sur-Seine, France - März 2019

Le séjour de Camille et Alexandre a été parfait. Contact très sympathique par téléphone au préalable. Camille et Alexandre ont été très autonomes et les minous sont en pleine forme ! J'espère que leur séjour leur a été aussi agréable. Au plaisir de vous revoir !

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