Sandra b.

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Riga, Latvia


Über Sandra b.

63 Jahre alt | Marketing

Who am I?
* I am non-smoking and house proud female in mid 50's. EU passport holder traveling in Europe. Experienced International Housesitter.
How can I help you?
* Your cats and small dogs will be well looked after, fed, brushed, walked and cuddled.
* Your home will be kept tidy and secure, plants watered, mail collected.
* Regular updates about your pets and home will be done over the Skype, WhatsApp or Facebook.
I love to travel and give other people a chance to do the same without worrying about beloved pets and home. Because I work from my laptop, I will be present at home and your pets will have company most of the time.
If you have to travel for work or go on a well-deserved vacation, don't hesitate to contact me! :)
Please send me a message with any questions you may have and I will respond ASAP.
Best Regards,

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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Sabine t.

Riga, Latvia - März 2019

We had the pleasure to have Sandra as cat sitter for one week. She showed a lot of attention to our cats and their well being. She is very carefull on kowing cats habits in order to make them feel as as close as possible as their daily life.We also had the opportunity to chat around a dinner and get to know each other better.A very charming person. I left my house totally reassured that my cats would feel great. when i got back home, on top of seeing my pets as good as when i left them, i had the surprise to see that house was cleaned. this was a really nice attention. Sandra is a trustfull person the i highly recomend for home an pet sitting

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