Emily f.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Über Emily f.

34 Jahre alt | Digital Nomad - Not for Profits

I'm an Australian veteran house sitter! I adore all animals and love being around them, I've owned cats, dogs, horses, birds, sheep and cows and am comfortable around most animals (I grew up on a farm).

I am very home proud and like the space around me to be immaculate. I understand inviting a stranger into your home requires a great level of trust, especially if you have pets to be tended to as they are family too! I will treat your home, garden and beloved pets as I would my own, following any guidelines you have while respecting your home and privacy.

I work remotely in digital communications for not-for-profits (healthcare).

My hobbies are mainly dog-related (the dog beach is my happy place!) I also enjoy hiking in mountains, reading and travelling, I try to go abroad somewhere new every year.

I am a non-smoker and drink alcohol socially.

I have my own dog in Australia who I often take on sits with me if he's compatible with the pets of my host. .

House-sitting -

I was first asked to house sit by a colleague/ friend and mentor in 2009, I decided to give it a go full time after returning to uni and then while travelling and working remotely from 2017.

My house sit duties have ranged from rugging horses, putting doggie diapers on elderly pups, giving medication, preventing roof access for an energetic collie, running away from roosters, aquarium care, spreading my attention over 3 dogs and 4 cats, gardening/ mowing, being entrusted with expensive exotic plants, the list goes on!

I have sat for various dog breeds including several rescues, I am comfortable with all sizes and temperaments of dogs. I will not take you on if you discipline or train your dog with aggression (smacking/ hitting) however.

Find me on Social Media under - Melbourne Pet Nanny

Very happy to provide reference contact details on request along with police check.

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Marine H.

Versailles, France - August 2019

Première expérience de home-sitting, première expérience avec Nomador et très bonne expérience avec Emily!! Très sympa, attentive aux besoins du logement et notamment de mon chat, elle s'en est parfaitement occupée. On sent quelle adore les chats (et les chiens aussi mais je je ne ai pas). Elle m'envoyait des photos/vidéos quotidiennement. Et j'ai retrouvé un char en plein forme a mon retour. Le contact avec Emily s'est établi très facilement. Elle parle facilement d'elle même et cherche à avoir le plus d'informations pour prendre soin du logement, de l'animal et des plantes. Super expérience avec Emily!!

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