Sara k.

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Tacoma, Washington, United States


Über Sara k.

33 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur

In July 2017 my husband Sam and I moved out of our apartment in Washington State and put all of our things in Storage! We are traveling around the world through the end of 2018 meeting up with brewery owners to learn about the artisanal beer culture abroad. After we return to the USA we will be opening a brewery in Georgia. Aside from beer we strive to learn about other's culture, how they live their daily life.

We recently decided we could help others by offering to take care of homes and animals. We love staying with families and furry members, helping out where we can. Back in WA state we regularly pet sit for friends and walked our neighbors dogs. We both grew up in homes with dogs and cats as family members, and unfortunately don’t have our own yet due to career choices, and now travel. We fill this void by taking care of our friend’s and family’s pets. Now that we are traveling, we are hoping to do the same! We are avid travelers, hikers, writers, cooks, and yogis. We are in our late 20's and enjoy maintaining a clean and healthy household.

Sam and I house sit for friends and relatives often. From a a busy city apartment in Brooklyn, to a remote lake house in GA.

In college I volunteered at Mchenry County's local animal shelter, walking dogs daily. In Chicago I fostered families of new born puppies, cat's and kittens, and older dogs with health problems through PAWS. Although we have never had our own, the majority of my life I have lived with any taken care for animals. Now that Sam and I live alone we tend to pet sit, and walk our neighbors dogs and pet sit occasionally over the weekend.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Samuel, 35 Jahre alt, Entrepreneur, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Eva m.

Hamburg, Germany - Juni 2018

Sara and Sam have been wonderful housesitters. The communication couldn't have been any better, they even sent cute pics of the cat while I was away :) The apartment was in excellent shape when I returned, you could hardly tell someone was there. And most importantly: You can really tell that they love being around animals and really care about their wellbeing. My cat liked them from the start and seemed super relaxed and very well taken care of when I returned. I can highly recommend housing Sara and Sam, and try to spend some time with them as well - they're lovely company!

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