Rochelle s.

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Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Über Rochelle s.

56 Jahre alt | Corporate Event Planner

I am retired and available to go anywhere in the world for any length of time. In a house, on a boat, in a cave, with a dog a cat or farm animals, with a garden or not.

I have lived from Wake Island to The Netherlands, and love retirement in Madison Wisconsin. I have scuba dived with grey reef sharks, climbed Palisade Head and snowboarded the Zugspitze. I have a degree in Communications and had a successful career as a corporate event planner. I managed a house and family as a single mother for 20 years. Now is my time, and I am ready to travel.

I will take care of your home, pets and property with the same care I would my own. Raising three children I am not fussed with any kind of emergency, physical, mental or logistical. I am proactive, organized and a natural MacGyver (I can fix stuff). I love all four seasons, including below zero winters. I have had dogs all my life. I have experience cat sitting and helped out friends and family with horses and other animals on the farm. I do not have a second language but can say please and thank you in a variety of languages and know my manners.

I do not drink or smoke. I am just starting on Nomador so don't have any recommendations yet. I am happy to provide references.

Please contact me here and I will respond quickly. I'm looking forward to meeting you and your furry family!

Thank you!

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Logement de Rochelle s.

Dane County, United States

1 Hund

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