Susan h.

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Cessenon-sur-Orb, Occitanie, France


Über Susan h.

64 Jahre alt | Carer/Nurse

I am a single carer, in my fifties and live in France but travel to the UK to look after people in their own homes - usually up to two weeks at a time and so I have lots of spare time to pet or housesit. I grew up with various cats and dogs and share a wonderful little rescue bichpoo with my ex.

Having run a B & B for six years I am very clean and tidy and handy around the house and garden and am happy to do basic DIY etc.

Meeting new people and seeing new places makes me very happy and to get to care for peoples beloved pets as well is the icing on the cake. Housesitting or pet sitting would be the perfect way for me to see new places on my time off and also to "wind down" from what can be a very stressful and tiring job. I love to potter around in the garden or read or walk and enjoy my own company.

In my caring role, running the home is a main part of my job and I have worked in very small to very large homes and am often required to also look after client's dogs and cats.

I am a Kiwi with British Citizenship and have llved in France for nearly ten years. I would like to say I am fluent in French, but because I spend so much time in the UK, I am not as good as I would like to be, however I continue to try!

Because of my job I have a full criminal record check annually in the UK.

Please do not hesitate to email me for a chat or to answer any questions.

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Christa v.

Pépieux, France - Mai 2018

On a bien sympatisé avec Susann le soir avant de notre partir. Ella a très bien soigné les animaux et la maison était bien rangée et propre quand nous sommes retournés.

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