Anita H.

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Palm Springs, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Anita H.

63 Jahre alt | Artist/jewelry crafter

We are a quiet, mature, clean, non smoking vegetarian couple, who love to travel and experience new things as well as different cultures. Marco is a computer programmer (and very much the handy man) from Mexico City, and Anita is a semi retired artist/designer originally from England. We have spent many years in Southern California, and now find ourselves spending some of our time in the beautiful mountain resort of San Miguel de Allende, where we also own a home. We adore cats and have done a lot of rescue work with them in Mexico. Anita has worked with vets and can administer shots when necessary.
We have lot's of free time since we are retired (well at least one of us is...) and so are open to new opportunities and adventures. Housesitting is a lovely way to do it. We enjoy animals very much, we enjoy nature, gardening, and also enjoy the hustle bustle of cities. A healthy lifestyle is something we value deeply along with respect for our fellow creatures. We love the water, nature, food, dance, culture and tradition. We speak several languages, and enjoy the beauty of everyday moments. We believe every experience offers the opportunity to learn, grow, become more conscious, and contribute to the beauty and experience of this life for ourselves and one another.We bring our experience and love of animals and respect for your property.. caring for it as lovingly as we would care for our own.
We have done exchanges and also have house-sat. We understand about how you want the right person to take care of your house as we have sometimes used housesitters ourselves.We are honoured for the chance to care for beloved family members and/or people's cherished homes while they are away, auty and experience of this life for ourselves and one another. Seeing these places and experiencing them with a trusting companion (pets) makes the experience that much richer and deeper for us.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Marco, 58 Jahre alt, Computers, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Elizabeth o.

Paris, France - September 2019

Anita and Marco stayed in our apartment in the center of Paris for 3 and a half weeks this past August in order to take care of our cat, Forest. They are lovely, kind people whom we were able to meet once before and once after the catsit. They took excellent care of our apartment, and loved and spoiled Forest. They even gave her gifts, including a water filtration device and a scratching disk. Anita has many cats of her own at her home in Mexico, in addition to taking care of many feral cats. Cats are a passion for her (jewelry design is another – her necklaces are beautiful!). She is extremely knowledgeable and gave us much good advice. Anita and Marco also sent us news and videos almost every day. All in all, a most happy, worry-free and successful experience!

Ying l.

Paris, France - Mai 2018

Anita is amazing! I feel so lucky to encounter her on Nomador. She is caring, respectful, and responsible. I needed somebody to take care of my cat Uni while I am traveling out of the country for 11 days and Anita needed to extend her trip in Paris - it took trust from both side and I am glad that we were able to establish it very quickly with phone call and message exchanges. Anita has 3 cats and rescues animals so she knows cats and animals well. While I was away, Anita treated Uni as if her cat, and took care of the apartment as if her own. She made sure that she played with Uni at least 3 times per day to get him enough exercise. She feeds him well and cleans Uni's food containers everyday. She liked Uni so much that she even bought him treats and toys! Anita sent me daily photos or videos of Uni to ensure that Uni is doing great so that I can feel relief being abroad. My cat doesn't trust strangers easily but he was happy and relaxed with Anita, and even shared the bed with her! By the time I returned home, the apartment was cleaner than when I left! Anita washed the bed sheet and towels for us and got some flowers. After a long flight home, I feel welcomed and also glad that I didn't have to do any cleaning. Anita is a wonderful person and an excellent house and pet sitter. She did much more than what I would ever ask for. I am very grateful and I would highly recommend her to whom needs house or pet sitting.

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