Ingrid W.

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Poole, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Ingrid W.

45 Jahre alt | Recruitment | Als Familie

We are a travel orientated couple who love animals. I personally have been to over 85 countries and love to travel and explore other countries and cultures. I also have a house in France and family in Norway. During my travels I have made friends all over the world! We have also always had animals and used to have a Samoyed husky who sadly died at the old age of 13. I have always had cats in my life and they are my favourite animal.
We own a house in Poole in Dorset and I also own two flats in London. I own recruitment firm specialising in tax- my partner and I run the business together.
Update we now have a 14 month son who is our world and he has been to 6 countries already and we are keep to keep travelling.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Neil, 44 Jahre alt, Recruitment, Ehepartner / Partner
Sebastian, 1 Jahre alt, Toddler, Kind

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jeremy & Katie D.

Duras, France - September 2022

Neil and Victoria are a trustworthy, friendly couple with home-owning experience and they both love animals, especially cats! Our home was well looked after, our plants were watered and they were great at staying in contact. We felt like we left our home in good hands!

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