Jeremy p.

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Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada


Über Jeremy p.

45 Jahre alt | Directeur - General Manager

We are a French family with two children of eight and ten years old. We all speak English and French fluently, as well as a little bit of Spanish. Before embarking on a one-year road trip in a van across Canada, the USA and Central America, Mom was a nurse and dad was a director in a renewable energy company. We have been living in France, Finland and Canada (Halifax). We are going to settle in Quebec in the summer of 2018 after our road trip.

Children love animals and are always ready to play and give them a lot of attention. They had millions of pet friends during our trip. We are members of Wwoofing association, hence we have been working for several weeks on an organic farm in Mexico, including tasks such as construction, gardening, bed and breakfast, cooking and taking care of 3 dogs and one cat at the property. We can provide reference of the american owner if needed.

We are also members of the community "Boondockers welcome" (couchsurfing for RVers) where we have received good feedback and comments from our hosts as per below:

Poste family's References (7)References from Hosts (7)

October 2017
Lovely couple with two sweet boys

We enjoyed having the Poste family stay with us one night. They are a very pleasant, quiet couple with two sweet young boys. They are welcome back anytime.

September 2017
What a great family

Was a pleasure to have hosted these folks, would do it again anytime. Hope you make it to Baja.

September 2017
Energetic Family on a great adventure.

The Poste Family is a quiet but energetic and funny family, during conversations it was interesting to hear stories of there travels and stories about the previous countries they have lived in, and who can forget Grinding Nemo. They are welcome anytime.

September 2017

This was fun... Great family, super conversation, a little bit of wine, Chicken Enchiladas. Our Dog Violet was devastated when they drove away. I think they boys had a new friend that was big and furry.. Really cool that they found us via some previous boondockers.. I guess we provid a good environment for people to stay in... We wish the Poste family safe travels...

Fairweather Farm
August 2017
Enjoyable Visit

"Poste family" showed up in the late afternoon and spent the night. We enjoyed some wine together and the boys played around their rig. We must have been having a good time as we talked for hours. A very nice young couple on a w

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Aurelie, 46 Jahre alt, Nurse, Ehepartner / Partner
Emilien, 16 Jahre alt, None, Kind
Clement, 15 Jahre alt, None, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Kristine S.

Norton, United States - Juni 2018

Jeremy, Aurelie and their two sweet sons were amazing and took excellent care of my dog, garden and house. (The dog still misses them!) Since I can only select three badges, I'd like to add that they seemed to have enjoyed some tourist activities in New England, but often stayed around the house, cooked and hung out. They kept me informed throughout the 2.5 week stay via WhatsApp. They are also very nice people and I admire what they did this year -- taking their kids and themselves on this grand tour of North and Central America. I was happy to be a small part of their journey. Kristine

Susan j.

Duxbury, United States - Mai 2018

The Postes are such a lovely family. They took amazing care of our house and dogs, and farm animals while we were away. They were very attentive to our instructions before we left, and sent status updates every few days. The boys were excellent caregivers for our sheep, cow, and dogs, who really appreciated the extra attention. When we returned, our house was cleaner than when we left, and the Postes had prepared a wonderful meal for us all. I can't recommend them highly enough!

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