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Tilaran, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Ginny

65 Jahre alt | domestic engineer

hola, my partner and I are in our late 50's/60's and we've been living in Costa Rica for over 28 yrs. We've decided to rent our home and farm in Sept '18 to our daughter so we can do some traveling and see the world for a change. Nothing is really tying us here. So we haven't had much housesitting experience recently but we'd love to try it again.. we're both physically active and healthy, very responsible, adaptable, capable and skilled people and we enjoy our work as well as our leisure time -- we're up for a new adventure in this never-ending dance called life!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Edward, 6 Jahre alt, Dr /chiropractor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Anastazie T.

Prague, Czech Republic - September 2024

Ginny and Ed were incredible hosts, and I honestly can't describe how special my time with them was. They are incredibly caring, full of positive energy, and such fascinating individuals! During their holiday I had the pleasure of looking after their sweet dog Stella, and Blackie, while sharing that paradise with playful wild monkeys and adorable toucans in their colorful tropical garden. Thanks to Ginny, Ed, and their nearby family, I got a deeper connection to the local community, enjoying unforgettable experiences like horseback riding, an adventurous jungle trip, and even getting a fantastic haircut from a local lady! It was incredibly hard to leave this paradise filled with love, joy, and happiness. I truly miss them all and, from the bottom of my heart, wish them endless blessings. I hope our paths cross again one day. Much love from Europe, guys!!! <3

Kristine S.

Norton, United States - November 2018

Virginia and her partner Ed were excellent house sitters. They took care of Tilly, the dog, and walked her frequently, and informed me regularly about anything important, like the weather, which was acting up a bit. As often happens, we had interesting conversations before and after. I would recommend them highly.

Logement de Ginny

Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica

1 Hund

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