Judith a.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Über Judith a.

71 Jahre alt | ESL Teacher

Now that I'm retired, I have the time and interest to travel the world again. I adore cats and most dogs, however taking them for long walks in cold weather or wading through snow is not my cup of tea. For over 55 years, I've been privileged to have been supervised by many fabulous felines. I've worked for the Canadian Government in Parliament (Top Secret Clearance) and various Embassies, owned several successful businesses from a Print Shop to private bank machines, and I traveled for many years in Asia teaching ESL and Customer Service. I am responsible and an excellent communicator, so you can count on receiving news and photos from your pet while you are away. I'll treat your home with the great respect it deserves, appreciating the privilege of being able to enjoy your residence and care for your fur-baby(s). I am easily amused with my iPad, laptop, or dabbling in social media and graphics for hours and am looking for quality quiet time in a cozy environment. Your pride and joy will not be left alone for long periods while I explore the countryside as I am a real home-body albeit in more than one country. Major sight-seeing shall be done either before or after my duties are complete. As much as I appreciate flowers and gardening, I DO NOT have a "Green Thunb" and will not accept assignments that require significant outdoor gardening care. Watering house plants is the extent of my capabilities in that department but your pets will be very happy.

My current experience abroad house-sitting is limited, however, I'm most eager to please and earn your good referral. Hopefully, you will take comfort from my dear Miss Jazzy's Facebook page where I shared her shenanigans and my love for her. https://www.facebook.com/JazzyAussem (RIP) I've also added a few other fur babies I've had the pleasure of serving.

On Instagram: @aussemmedia
On FaceBook: @aussemmedia
On Skype: Judith @ Aussem Media

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Elora, Canada - August 2019

Empfiehlt nicht

Jean-pierre r.

Montreal, Canada - Juni 2019

Judith et notre chien Horace ont développé une belle amitié. Lors des promenades. Horace s'accordait au pas tranquille de Judith et de sa marchette. Judith a bien aimé notre accès WiFI haute vitesse car elle est très active sur les réseaux sociaux et pour son travail. L'entretien du jardin et de la pelouse ont été retardé à cause de la température. Nous avons retrouvé Horace plein de vie, que peut avoir un chien de 12 ans.

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