Nancy d.

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St Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Nancy d.

32 Jahre alt | Accountant

I traveled a lot with my family around europe and haf made so good expiriance with housexchange in this time. I am a young woman who like to travel at places where other people live and enyoj her privacy for relaxing in the nature. I live in a apartment and have no animals or garden who give me the power to give mee a good work live balace. I am funny, sociable, interested and uncomplicated.
I work fulltime as a accountant in a scool office and I love my job.
I am grown up around a smal town and now i live in a bigger town with less naturearound me.
I am serching for a stay to load my battery in a new environment. I like to bee near at the locals and learn to new theyr traditions and cultur.
I do not like to be lazy in my hollidays.
I live since a short time in the city wher I miss the nature. I was teached by my parents to be open to all people of the world. As a child we made a lot of housexchanges so that i have seen a lot of places around europe.
My Family and friends of them has and had a lot of animals I have look after and still looking after if they ar need to. With the Family-Dog I was trainig for rescuedog. I also like horseriding or pet the Horse. I have made a lot of experience by taking care for the pets of my Family and friends and the garden.
I mostly say what can and if I am not able to something I do like to learn it as good as I can.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Laurent et Marie R.

Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne, France - August 2018

Nancy is a very friendly person, very kind. She looked after our dog who seemed very pleased to stay with her.

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