Jay b.

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Gardnerville, Nevada, United States


Über Jay b.

64 Jahre alt | Retired Fish Hatchery Manager

We are a retired couple in our 50's. We recently sold our house in Gardnerville, NV in order to travel full time. We wish to house sit and pet sit during the late fall and winter months, and hike during the warmer months. We hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2017, and half of the Pacific Crest Trail during 2018. My wife Sarah keeps a blog about our long hikes (sarahandjayhike.blog). We love dogs and cats, but currently have none of our own. We live a quiet life style...lots of reading and walking. We don't smoke. We have been responsible for homes and facilities for several decades and will treat your home like we would our own. We would be happy to email you references.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sarah, 61 Jahre alt, Retired school teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Patricia M.

กทม, Thailand - November 2018

Sarah and Jay were very considerate, gentle, and responsible in taking care of my pets and home. They were easy to be around (we overlapped a few days) and their footprint was minimal. I came home to find my home cleaned and my pets healthy and happy. I highly recommend them - I certainly hope to cross paths again!

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