Marina H.

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Trapani, Sicily, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Marina H.

33 Jahre alt | Architect / Interior Designer / 3D Artist

We are a couple of young architects that work remotely, which give us the chance to work from any home we are staying in and to travel a lot. I'm German and Nico is Italian, both borned in Argentina. We began our travel adventure 1+ year ago, leaving our beloved Brunelleschi (rescued dog) in my parents home, so we are missing our furry friend a lot!

As home designers we enjoy keeping things clean, cared for, and welcoming. Our goal is to leave your place better/cleaner than when we arrived and loving on your furry family members so they don't even notice you've left, sending you updates while you are away! We're VERY tidy, can follow instructions, and excited to help. We also know how hard it can be to leave your loved ones at home while you are away, and take the responsibility of caring for your pets seriously. We are educated professionals, non-smokers, and are respectful towards property and environment.

We love design, art and architecture, but most of all we enjoy wandering around new cites having the time to really get to know them and their people.
I have great experience in Gardening since i have worked for many years in a landscaping company, and Nico is really handy and a little of a cleaning freak!
We have our own Architecture and 3D Design Studio, you can check out our work in

Somos una pareja de arquitectos argentinos, ambos contamos con ciudadania y pasaporte de la UE. Trabajamos en forma remota de manera tal que tenemos mucho tiempo para viajar. Empezamos nuestra aventura de viaje por el mundo hace un año, dejando a Brunelleschi (Nuestro perro adoptado) en casa de mis papas. Asi que estamos extrañando mucho los paseos con el.
Nos encanta el diseño el arte y la arquitectura, pero mas que nada recorer nuevas ciudades con el tiempo de conocerlas a fondo.
Yo tengo mucha experiencia en cuidado de jardines y plantas, y nico es un poco obsesivo de la limpieza.
Juntos tenemos nuestra pequeña firma de Diseño y rendering, pueden conocer nuestro trabajo ingresando a

Hablamos Italiano Español e Ingles.
We speak Italian Spanish and english.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nicolas, 40 Jahre alt, Architect & 3D Artist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Casavells, Spain - September 2019

Empfiehlt nicht

Caio p.

Barcelona, Spain - September 2019

Marina and Nico were the first sitters that we've hosted and we had a great experience. They were very friendly and you could tell that they are experienced dog sitters. From the moment they arrived, they interacted well with our dogs and, during their stay, they kept up updated on an ongoing basis. When we arrived home, we found our place spotless. We highly recommend Marina and Nico as dog and house sitters.

Julia k.

Warsaw, Poland - August 2019

Marina and Nico were superb house sitters. Before leaving our house under their custody we had a chance to spend few days together and to get to know each other. Those were great days - they are very interesting and open minded people, that you can put trust in. We really liked their attitude to the whole Nomador platform project - they treat house sitting as a duty, so don't hesitate to invite them to your place. When we came back after our holidays, the whole house was shinning clean, but what is more important our cat was relaxed and we could see that they took good care of him.

Hrefna S.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - Juni 2019

Marina and Nico are a super friendly and nice couple who took great care of our cats while we were away. They sent us frequent updates while we were gone and when we came home the house was spotless. We highly recommend them to anyone looking for responsible people to take care of their home.

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