Sarah t.

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New York, New York, United States


Über Sarah t.

43 Jahre alt | Marketing Freelancer

Hey, thanks for stopping by!

Originally from Cambridge in England, I've lived in Brooklyn, New York for the past 10 years. I do freelance marketing, mainly for startups, and am able to do my job from anywhere in the world with wifi so I'm open to house and pet sitting opportunities anywhere.

I absolutely adore animals - grew up with chickens, ducks, rabbits, guinea pigs, tortoises, hamsters, and I come from a very rural area outside of Cambridge, England. Our next door neighbor is a farmer so I've been surrounded by animals my whole life.

The love of my life is my bunny (Hugs) in NYC who spends time between me and my ex. She doesn't live in a cage and is litter trained so she has free reign of the apartment. She loves to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie.

I've become the go-to cat and dog sitter with friends in NYC and I love it! I'd actually love a cat or dog myself but it's difficult with Hugs the bunny.

I'm also an AirBnB Super Host after sharing my apartment in NYC with people from all over the world for the past few years. It's been an amazing experience meeting these people and in many instances, I've ended up going out for drinks or dinner with them and we've stayed in touch. You can view my profile here:

Running is my therapy :) I've now run 4 marathons (NYC 3 times and Brighton, England once) and have 2 more coming up. It's a great way to explore new places and keeps me fit!

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Lluvia r.

Madrid, Spain - September 2018

Sarah is very nice. Communication with her was very easy and my dogs loved her.

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