Emma m.

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Leamington, Ontario, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Emma m.

28 Jahre alt | Writer

Hello there!

I am a Canadian traveller who wishes to see the world!

I work as a writer, which I can complete remotely. I am a very quite person by nature, keeping to myself often. Cleanliness and respect for your home is a guarantee from me.

Art, music, and writing are my main areas of interests. I spend my days reading, and sketching in the art museums offered around me.

I volunteer at an animal shelter at home, so I have professional experience caring for pets of all kinds! I absolutely adore animals, and will give your pets lots of love and care!

During my semesters abroad, I often couch-surfed my way across areas, as making connections are exciting, and valuable to me! I have experience staying in welcoming strangers home, who always become life-long friends.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my profile. If you have any other questions, please ask :)

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Claire c.

Hyères, France - September 2018

Ce fut un plaisir d'accueillir Emma chez nous pour la garde de notre petit chat. Elle nous a régulièrement donné des nouvelles de Nugget, et ce dernier semble avoir passé un bon séjour. Cerise sur le gâteau, elle nous a laissé l'appartement dans un état irréprochable. Bref, nous ne pouvons que la recommander !!!

Elsa p.

Paris, France - August 2018

Emma was an amazing cat sitter ! She took great care ok my cat Yoda, played with her and gave her lots of love while I was away. Emma gave me news regulary and sent me pictures. She was very kind, available and kept the appartment very clean. I strongly recomand Emma as home sitter it was a real pleasure to deal with her !

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