Graham f.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain


Über Graham f.

66 Jahre alt | English Teacher

I am an English teacher. I have lived in Madrid for the past 3 years with my wife and 14-year-old daughter. We have residency in Spain (and so, have been through the necessary police clearances). I am a British Citizen.
Prior to this we lived in Johannesburg, South Africa. We have always been a family who love animals. Over the years we have been parents to 3 Labradors, a German Shepherd, 3 rescued cats, 2 Staffordshire bull terriers, a pug and her 8 offspring (homes found for 7 of them; one refused to move out!), a donkey, 3 budgies, and a cockatiel.
Although we enjoy Madrid, we have decided to move to a quieter, fresher more moderate climate in the south of Spain. The Malaga area is attractive to us, but we want to experience some areas before making the move. Last Christmas (2018) we spent 3 weeks house and pet sitting for a couple with an invalid Jack Russell named Poppy. Poppy needed a wheelchair to go for walks as she only has 3 legs that work properly. She also had a special diet.
As my classes are all by phone, I am extremely mobile. All I need is a quiet place and a good WiFi connection.
We rent an apartment in Madrid, but most of the time in South Africa we owned a large property (3 hectares). We ran a guest house for over 10 years. By necessity, I did most of the repairs and maintenance myself. As a property owner, and animal lover, I am keenly aware of the care and attention required to be the guardian of someone’s prized and precious possessions. I can provide you with phone numbers of my employers and the owner of the apartment I rent, to attest to my reliability and professionalism. Just let me know if you would like these. You can be assured that both your property and beloved pets will be handed back to you in the condition you would expect from professional, reliable and above all ... caring people.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Karelle, 43 Jahre alt, Fashion designer, Ehepartner / Partner
Hannah, 18 Jahre alt, Scholar, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Lorna c.

Fuengirola, Spain - Januar 2019

Graham, his wife, Karelle and teenage daughter, Hannah, were awesome! Great communication both before and during the sit... Poppy was very well loved and taken care of, totally treated like a princess! They took everything in their stride, from learning Poppy's favourite routine, to her unusual feeding schedule and medications. The apartment was a delight to return to, sparkling clean and tidy, everything perfectly staged, it was like coming home to a palace! Very considerate and thoughful family, a total delight to meet and hope to stay in touch with :-) Highly recommended!!!

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