Kelly c.

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Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States


Über Kelly c.

29 Jahre alt | Student

Hello to everyone in the world! My name is Kelly and I am a recent student who studied Public Health. Since my time at university ended, I would like to take some time off from my busy schedule.
I had have four dogs throughout my life - one Shar Pei, one German Shepard, and two terriers - as well as a few fish and a parakeet. I love to look after animals and am familiar with the responsibilities that come with caring for them.

Recently, I stayed with a host family and they can attest to my character. I have helped cook meals, wash dishes, and kept my living area tidy while respecting their house. I would love to do this for you and look after your furry, feathery, scaly, or any other pets you might have!

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Sabine t.

Riga, Latvia - November 2019

We were glad to offer Kelly her first home sitting experience and happy she appreciated it. She has been a great cat sitter. Very much involved in their well being, giving some news with pictures, we found happy cats when we went back home. We also appreciated to find the house very clean... Kelly is a trustful home sitter to whom you may leave your pets without hesitation...

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