Dona f.

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Sacramento, California, United States

À propos de Dona f.

42 ans | Homeschooling Mom & Software Engineer

We are a homeschooling, world traveling family that loves animals and getting our hands dirty in the garden. We have our own home in Sacramento, California where we have transformed our city lot from a dry, barren space into a permaculture-inspired, urban food forest. We absolutely love spending time tending to our plants and fostering a love for home-grown food with our girls.

Vibhu has been a software engineer for over 15 years and is currently working for a biotech company based out of San Francisco. His job is 100% remote, which gives us loads of flexibility for exploring the world as a family. Prior to children, Dona was a nutritional consultant working on projects for the State of California and the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island. Now she is a full-time homeschooling mom to our two girls who spend their days playing in creeks, hiking in the forest, reading books, and building awesome creations with legos.

Our family loves animals and since we travel so much, its difficult for us to have pets of our own. So we'd LOVE the opportunity to cuddle and walk yours. We have been hosting guests in our home through Couchsurfing and Airbnb for nearly 10 years, and can happily provide you with many wonderful references. We look forward to meeting you and helping to take care of your home and pets!

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Mes compagnons de voyage
Vibhu, 43 ans, Software Engineer, Conjoint(e) / Partenaire
Kaiya, 12 ans, Student, Enfant
Amahle, 10 ans, Student , Enfant

Langue(s) parlée(s)
Anglais | Hindi

Avis de la communauté

Dona f. n'a pas encore reçu d'avis de la communauté Nomador

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