Benjamin b.
Saint-Sauveur-de-Montagut, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
About Benjamin b.
39 years old
Ingénieur Agronome
Bonjour! =)
J'espère que vous allez bien. Ma conjointe Charlotte et moi sommes des passionnés d'environnement et de voyages. De mon côté, je suis un ancien producteur de spiruline (algues), maintenant en création d'entreprise. De son côté, Charlotte est une experte en dépollution des sols. Nous avons l'habitude de jardiner et de nous occuper des animaux. De mon côté, j'ai travaillé dans deux fermes laitières et une porcherie quand j'étais plus jeune. Cela nous ferait plaisir de vous aider en échange de la découverte de votre région !
Benjamin Baril
Hello! =)
Hope you're doing well. My wife Charlotte and I are passionate about environment protection and traveling. For my part, I am a former producer of spirulina (algae), now in business creation. For her part, Charlotte is an expert in soil remediation. For info, we are used to gardening and taking care of animals. I used to worked on two dairy farms and a pig farm when I was younger. It would be a pleasure to help you in this exchange.
Benjamin Baril
My travel companions
Charlotte, 36 years old, Ingénieure en environnement, Spouse / Partner
Language(s) spoken
Compliments received
Community opinion
Hilversum, Netherlands - November 2018
We loved having dinner and great conversations with Benjamin the night before we left for a long weekend away. He is very knowledgeable about many topics, loves animals and takes very good care of your home. We appreciated how he kept in touch with us, and he is also independent. We wish him all the best for the future and hopefully will meet up again some time!