Evelyne c.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
About Evelyne c.
31 years old
Medical resident
I’m 25 years old, about to begin a residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation after completing medical school. I love house plants and do rather well with them, and I’m willing to learn about outdoor gardening if needed! I’ve been travelling for about a month every summer for the past few years. I was just introduced to house-sitting by friends who knew I'd absolutely love this combination of meeting new people and making furry friends! Bonus points if I can learn/practice a new language. I’ve got two lovely cats at home, and have always had cats and dogs at home (wouldn’t have it any other way).
Language(s) spoken
Compliments received
Community opinion
London, United Kingdom - July 2023
J'ai malheureusement laissé trop de temps avant d'écrire une recommandation, mais le séjour d'Evelyne chez nous s'était très bien passé. C'est une personne attentive et fiable, qui s'est très bien occupée de notre chat en notre absence.