Genevieve p.

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


About Genevieve p.

56 years old | Director

Bonjour, hello, hola! Matteo and I are a couple in our early fifties who enjoy urban living with the occasional immersion in nature. We travel frequently, either to visit old friends or to discover new destinations.

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My travel companions
Matteo, 57 years old, Architecture , Spouse / Partner

Language(s) spoken
English | Spanish | French

Compliments received

Very Friendly
Cat lover
Master of Cleanliness
Local Cultural Guide
Welcoming host

Community opinion


Angela p.

Ottawa, Canada - February 2020

Beautiful home in one of the best parts of Ottawa. Genevieve & Mateo gave very detailed and helpful instructions and left the house very well set up to receive a pet-sitter. I had people to call if any emergencies and lots of information to draw from so I felt very prepared in the home. Fenix is a lovely cat, fun to play with and not too demanding. I had a wonderful stay with him!

Logement de Genevieve p.

Ottawa Division, Canada

1 Cat

This host has already used Nomador 2 times!

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