David M.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Last activity: 1 month ago
Last activity: 1 month ago

About David M.

51 years old | Monteur - Réalisateur - Scénariste | Alone

Hello, I'm David. I'm a 51-year-old solo dad. I owned a restaurant in Paris for 7 years, but now I'm back in the film industry. I'm widower for about 15 years and I spent most of my time raising my kids. We traveled a lot, and I bought a restaurant because it was across from their school. Now they're grown up. Eliott, who is 21, is attending one of the best engineering schools in France, and Milla, who is 19, is studying at Sorbonne university. Currently (march 2024), I'm editing a short movie that I directed last summer in LA (with dog of course) and directing a documentary about Vincente Minnelli for a French network.

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My travel companions
Milla, 19 years old, Étudiante, Child
Eliott, 22 years old, Étudiant, Child

Language(s) spoken
English | French

Community opinion

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