Guillaume B.
Fontenay-sous-Bois, Île-de-France, France
About Guillaume B.
34 years old
Language(s) spoken
Compliments received
Community opinion
Paris, France - August 2023
J'ai passé un excellent séjour avec le chat, Pastisse, qui est assez peureux et craintif, mais apprécie néanmoins une présence. Nous nous sommes apprivoisés l'un l'autre, et après quelques jours, j'ai eu le plaisir de voir Pastisse venir me caresser les jambes avec sa queue. Le parc de Vincennes a proximité est agréable pour de belles balades.
Leuven, Belgium - August 2022
Guillaume and Marine are both very lovely and caring, it was a pleasure being able stay at their apartment and look after Pastisse. She is easy to look after and slowly but surely opens herself up. I would definitely recommend their apartment, especially when looking for a stay not too far from Paris yet also close to nature. Ultimately, I would be more than happy to come again :)
Logement de Guillaume B.
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