sally G.

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Bristol, England, United Kingdom


About sally G.

71 years old | Retired

We have lived in France for over 9 years and love the way of life. I love my animals, cooking, knitting and gardening. Also going to flea markets at the weekend and picking up bargains.

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Language(s) spoken
English | French

Compliments received

Cat lover
Master of Cleanliness
Dog lover

Community opinion


Virginie & Éric F.

Saint-Pierre-de-Bœuf, France - October 2018

Sally and Irvin have been lovely homeowners toward us, they welcomed us warmly and explained to us carrefully the routine they were expecting for the well being of their animals. They kept in touch during their absence and answered our questions right away. We enjoyed very much taking care of Noa, the 4 cats and the 11 poultrys and our stay in their beautifull house was peacefull and very nice! Thanks for your trust!

Logement de sally G.

Morbihan, France

2 Cats - 1 Dog

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