Courtney m.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
About Courtney m.
45 years old
Communications Consultant
Hi! I'm a late thirties Canadian gal, currently based in Toronto, where I work as a communications consultant and trainer for international executives as they move across the global marketplace.
I've lived in 7 countries, and traveled to a few more. I live in Toronto with my daughter, Saaya, who often travels with me, except every August, when she spends time with extended family in Japan.
I don't have any pets at home right now, but love to have quality pet cuddle time whenever I can!
This August, I'm traveling solo, and would love to help you tend to your home and pets while you are away.
I'm new to the Nomador network, but I've got an active profile on airbnb, where you can read lots of references and feedback about me: And of course, I'm always happy to discuss in more detail with you and answer any questions you might have about me.
Happy to communicate with you in English, French, or Japanese : )
I look forward to meeting you!
Language(s) spoken
Compliments received
Community opinion
Lyon, France - August 2018
Merci à Courtney avec qui nous avons passé une très bonne soirée à son arrivée. La communication est très facile avec elle, son français est très bon et nous avons eu des nouvelles très régulièrement. Mes chats ont été ravis et j'espère que nous aurons l'occasion de la revoir un jour... Je la recommande vivement comme home-sitter... Catherine
August 2018
Courtney nous a permis de partir l'esprit tranquille en vacances, notre chat a eu l'air de beaucoup l'apprécier ! Merci à elle :)