Anna e.

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New York, New York, United States

Über Anna e.

48 Jahre alt | Artist, Educator

For several years I have been traveling around the world and helping people take care of their pets and house-sit while they are away. While in New York I also help taking care of friends' cats and a family dog from time to time. I grew up with cats and dogs and my son has had many different pets over the years, including fresh or salt water fish, mice, lizards and parakeets.

I am a very organized and clean person. While I house sit I take care to keep everything in order while taking care of the place. Please make sure to tell me any special instructions about your loved pets, so we can get along better faster. I am a runner and if you have an active dog I would be happy to go for runs with him/her.

Looking forward to talk with you more about your specific needs.
Thank you


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Russisch

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