Ana o.

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Killenaule, County Tipperary, Ireland

Über Ana o.

32 Jahre alt | Primary school teacher

I’m a primary school teacher from Ireland and have recently taken some time off work and began solo-traveling. I have absolutely loved my experience so far and would like to continue to see new places for another year. House sitting sounds like something I would really enjoy. Although I have no prior experience, I have previously been a live-in au pair for an American family for several of their long-term holidays and really enjoyed that experience. I am extremely house-proud! I have my own little place at home in Ireland which I absolutely adore so I know what it means to care for a home. I live on a farm next to my family’s home where we have 3 dogs, 4 cats and a pond full of fish! Therefore, I also know what it means to take care of and love a pet (I’ll miss them when I’m gone). I am really looking to experience new places on a more personal level and so I think house/pet sitting would be very suited to me as I’d really enjoy getting to know a new community and having a home-from-home experience. Having a pet to look after, walk and/or play with would really add to this experience as I am most definitely an animal-lover and would really enjoy looking after/walking/playing with them daily. I can assure you that I will be very respectful of your home and I would love the chance to care for your home and love your pet as much as I do mine!

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