John M.

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Cork, County Cork, Ireland


Über John M.

34 Jahre alt | Cook | Als Paar/Duo

We're a couple in our thirties, I (John) am 33 and Emily is 30. I am from Ireland and Emily is from Australia. We have lived in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia. We love to travel and adore all animals. We have both grown up with animals. Whilst living in Canada we fostered a number of cats which was a tough but rewarding experience (not easy to see them go). We also volunteered with dogs over a number of years most recently with Newcastle dog rescue in Australia. We are currently travelling around Europe with the plan to travel around France and possibly find a place to settle there. I am a cook by profession and Emily is a legal assistant. We are both easy going, tidy and minimalistic people with a love of nature, animals and food( both vegetarian).

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Emily, 31 Jahre alt, Legal Assistant, Ehepartner / Partner

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Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Isabelle T.

La Celle-Saint-Cloud, France - August 2023

Emily et John sont des home-sitters vraiment merveilleux. Pour une première expérience j’ai eu une chance incroyable.. Extrêmement respectueux, doux, attentifs, discrets ils se sont très bien occupés des animaux et j’ai retrouvé l’appartement dans un état impeccable !!! Je les recommande à 100%%

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