Mollie c.

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Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland

Über Mollie c.

28 Jahre alt | Pet sitter | Als Paar/Duo

I’m in my mid-twenties and I’m currently pet sitting in my home country, Ireland, for a company called Pet Sitters Ireland. I love looking after other peoples pets and providing a service that brings so much comfort to pet owners, for them to know that their pets are being looked after exactly as they would is my top priority. Before pet sitting, I was a pet groomer for 4 years so I do have a lot of experience with dogs and cats, and I have also worked in a pet store, which has given me some experience looking after small animals, birds, fish and reptiles. Before the pandemic, I was travelling in Australia and South East Asia for 8 months, but unfortunately, I had to return home because of lockdowns etc. Travelling brought me so much joy and I can’t wait to explore again. So for me, combining these two loves, pet sitting and travel, would be a dream!
I will be travelling with my cousin, lilly, who is also a very close friend. She has been working in a pet grooming salon for the past 2 years and also has plenty of pets at her family home, including dogs, cats and chickens. So she has plenty of animal experience!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lilly, 21 Jahre alt, Dog groomer, Andere

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