Garrett h.

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Lahaina, Hawaii, United States

Über Garrett h.

32 Jahre alt | Sales, Online/Digital Marketing, Social Media

I am 26 years young from Maui, Hawaii with a passion for traveling, surfing, and building my best self. I am trustworthy, responsible, reliable, respectful, and honest. I have always loved and had a huge heart for all animals and would love to be able to give some traveling pet & home owners the confidence that their little (or big) furry friends are well taken care of while they're away, as well as their homes. I have a history in the service & hospitality industry, sales, networking, and used to run my own business. I am currently working online and am traveling and would love a comfortable cozy place to stay while I work in exchange for watching after your home and pets! I appreciate your time and consideration :)

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