Erin B.

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Arvada, Colorado, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Erin B.

25 Jahre alt | Medical Scribe at Nura Pain Clinic | Allein

Greetings! I am an ambitious medical scribe, eagerly navigating the path towards a career as a Physician Assistant (PA), and I currently call Arvada, CO, home. I am incredibly outgoing and thrive on connecting with others. Living in Arvada provides the perfect backdrop for my love of the outdoors. From hiking in the Rockies to relishing the joys of mountain biking and climbing, I find immense fulfillment in the natural beauty that surrounds me. I am always looking for opportunity to explore the world and everything it has to offer. I have an extensive background with animals and farming and love to have the opportunity to care for both if I have the chance.

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Claudia m.

Fort Myers Beach, United States - Dezember 2021

Erin was an absolute joy to have house and pet sit for me during my time away. I felt like my dog, cats, bunny fish and dragon were in the best of hands. Erin kept me updated and yet worked independently when she could not reach me on an issue that had come up. I strongly recommend this very lovely, caring and responsible sitter...! I will certainly book with Erin again next time.

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