Holly B.

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Portland, Maine, United States

Über Holly B.

33 Jahre alt | Digital Marketing Agency Owner | Allein

I primarily travel solo and have learned so much ever since I started doing so. My favorite part about it is that it pushes me out of my comfort zone and encourages me to get plugged into the community where I am and to connect with locals. I have a interest in agriculture and have finally started to pursue it. I love leaning about local plants and traditional herbal medicine as I go along my adventures. Traditions and culture out side of my own upbringing are of interest to me because I believe we can all learn from one another! I really enjoy experiencing local hang outs and day to day life opposed to tourist attractions. I am very active and love to hike, read, swim and do yoga. My goal this year is to start diving. I also own a 10 person local digital marketing agency in Maine. Starting this business has allowed me to work remotely and go after a lifestyle of flexibility and travel that I’ve always valued and loved.

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