Kelsey beth

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Chicago, Illinois, United States

Über Kelsey beth

37 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur, Mindfulness teacher, primary teacher, Designer, Writer

We just joined the Nomador community and are so excited to begin a new adventure together.

I am from Chicago, Illinois, but I currently live in Costa Rica with my boyfriend. I am a Bilingual Primary teacher turned Entrepreneur/Online Teacher/Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher. In my free time, I love to travel, write, hike, run, swim, practice yoga, meditate, cuddle animals, doodle, and cook!

My partner, Thomas, is from the Netherlands. He is a motion graphic designer for an Animal Rights Organization. In his free time, he enjoys cooking, reading, traveling, exercising, cuddling with animals, watching cute animal videos, and all things to do with nature.

Thomas and I met on an island in Thailand a few years ago and have been traveling (and house sitting) internationally together ever since. So far, we have randomly encountered house sitting experience in the Netherlands and in Costa Rica, and have loved taking care of someone's space and getting to know different communities and places!

We both love experiencing new cultures, language, food, and meeting people from all over the World. It opens the mind in a way nothing else can. We are also so grateful for our nomadic experience, and the ability to travel freely as we do (because of our online jobs).

We think that one day we would like to settle down somewhere - but that day has not yet arrived.

And so, we are so looking forward to this new leg of our journeys, taking care of pets and houses along the way!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Thomas, 39 Jahre alt, Animator; Illustrator; Animal aficionado, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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