Leslie K.

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Denver, Colorado, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Leslie K.

59 Jahre alt | Writer | Als Paar/Duo

Hi--we are the Kellys. We might have been married for more than 35 years, but we're always up for an adventure.

We are an active, fully-vaxxed, non-smoking couple, have been homeowners for decades, pet owners even longer. Bruce is about to retire from his long career in health & safety. Leslie's a New York Times bestselling writer. We raised three beautiful daughters who are now out living their best lives.

Until a few years ago, we were the pet parents of two adorable Shih-poos, Cassie and Dulcie, both of whom we raised from tiny puppies. We also got the privilege of worshipping at the regal cat-feet of Turnip and Minya, our daughters' cats.

When we lost Cassie in 2019 and Dulcie in 2020, we thought our hearts would break. And when our daughters moved out with the kitties, the sadness magnified. Since we plan to travel in retirement and feel it wouldn't be fair to adopt a new furry family member now, we are anxious to love on other people's.

Caring for Cassie in extreme senior years (she lived to be 18 1/2) and nursing sweet Dulcie after a horrible coyote attack (she miraculously survived!) we are well used to dealing with geriatric dogs, injured ones, as well as handling medicines, prescriptions, and shots.

Living in Colorado means our weekends often find us hiking, kayaking, or just communing with nature, but we're also big fans of the cities of Denver and Boulder, which offer great cultural opportunities. Mostly we just enjoy exploring new places, savoring the quiet outdoors or the vibe of a new city, meeting new people, and spending time with our best friends--each other.

Give us a chance and we'll take extra-special care of your home and your beloved pets. Because we're new to Nomador, we don't have any reviews here, but they are popping up on Trusted Housesitters and Mind My House. We also have many more photos on both our profiles there. (Don't miss the one of Bruce loving on Turnip or Leslie getting surprise kisses from Dulcie.)



If you'd like to get to know us better, check out our web and social media pages:


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Meine Reisebegleiter
Bruce, 65 Jahre alt, Safety & Health Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Katrin H.

Schellenberg, Liechtenstein - Juni 2024

Leslie and Bruce are great cat and house sitters. They took good care of our three cats while we were on vacation for one week. Leslie sent us regular updates on our cats so we felt well informed. Bruce watered our many plants so we came back to a garden that looked just as we left it. They also kept the house tidy and clean. Leslie and Bruce are very friendly and open-minded people and it was very interesting talking to them about many different topics. We also felt that they were very trustworthy and responsible. We can definitely recommend them as cat and house sitters.

Jennifer B.

Montesson, France - März 2024

Leslie and Bruce's house-sitting was very well! They are pleasant people who are easy to communicate with. They took good care of Izzy, sent us updates every day. Izzy looked really comfortable with them. We warmly thank them for taking such good care of her and recommend them to the Nomador community !

Fabienne L.

Le Pallet, France - März 2024

Leslie et Bruce se sont bien occupés de mes animaux (deux chats et un cochon d'Inde). Leur écoute et sympathie m'ont permis de partir quelques jours en étant tout à fait sereine. J'ai retrouvé nos petits amis à poils zen, avec des jeux supplémentaires offerts par nos délicats home-sitter qui ont bien pris soin d'eux.

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