Mallory m.

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Savannah, Georgia, United States

Über Mallory m.

35 Jahre alt | Graphic Designer & Stylist

Hi there!

Seth & I met in Savannah while studying at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA. We dated for 2+ years and are getting married this August!

Seth was born in Bolton, England and moved to the states as a child. He hasn't deviated much from his English roots, still with a passion for football, meat pies and a nice stout. He showed an aptitude for painting at a young age and was home-schooled to develop his painting talents. He is currently working full time as a painter in his Savannah studio. Take a look at his website to see his work :

I (Mallory) was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, and grew up hiking, biking, skiing and camping in the Rocky Mountains. I went to university in Montana to learn writing, then pursued photography opportunities through travel in India and Southern France. I transferred to the Savannah College of Art and Design to get a degree in Photography. After graduating, I worked for a local church for 6 years, doing design as well as college ministry. I now work as a designer & stylist for my own business, Inhabiteer.

We both share a love for the outdoors, animals, great food, classic movies & literature, other cultures, and art!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Seth , 31 Jahre alt, Painter , Ehepartner / Partner

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