Colette Rhoding

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Colette Rhoding

62 Jahre alt | Researcher/writer | Allein

I have been sitting for 17+ years and all my hosts have invited me back. I have only just joined this site, but you are welcome to review my extensive profile on Trusted Housesitters and several other country-based sites. Alternatively, I could email you as many reviews as you might wish to read.

I work from home in rural health research, a job that gives me maximum mobility and choice. I like to have furry companions to interact with during my frequent breaks during the day and to have some company in the evenings. I've tried the Airbnb style of travel and find that a lonely way to live. It is much nicer to be with a companion or three.

I also have a lot of experience with rescue animals so I am good for fragile animals, no matter the cause of their fragility. I recognise and work well with signs of stress or anxiety, and my past companions have always found me a comfort.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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