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Noosa Heads, Queensland, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Georgie

20 Jahre alt | Student | Allein

Hi! I've been professionally pet sitting for 2+ years, initially starting in Australia and now am based in Spain. I have a great love and affinity with animals, I love being able to care for yours while I'm travelling and unable to have one of my own. I understand that homeowners need a sitter who will look after their home, pets and garden/plants exactly as they ask and will respect their specific instructions - i love a list :) I am certified in pet first aid (cats and dogs only), have a international police clearance certificate, and am happy to provide references from previous pet sits too if you'd like :)

A bit about me!
Some of my favorite things to do are - practicing yoga, crocheting, drawing, sewing, gardening and walking everywhere! I study women's health online part-time. I don't drink or smoke.
I love getting cozy with a book and a furry friend (if they permit!) :) House sitting brings me such joy as it allows me to travel, meet new people, experience different cultures, and hang out with animals! I am house proud and love to nurture spaces, I take great pleasure in taking care your home and animals as if they were my own :)

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