Glenda L.

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Victoria Point, Queensland, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Glenda L.

67 Jahre alt | Retired | Allein

I took early retirement in 2021 and not long afterward, I started house-sitting with my long-time friend in England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. My friend Robin didn't return to England with me so I'm traveling solo at the moment.

I worked as a personal assistant for a Member of the Queensland Parliament for a number of years and it's always been my dream to travel and house-sit while I'm still fit and healthy.

This adventure has provided me the opportunity to explore local attractions and meet wonderful people together with their pets which is the main reason why I like to house-sit

I enjoy reading, walking, and being outside, and I take pride in looking after owners' homes and pets like they are my own.

I am new to this website which is why there are no recommendations, but I have attached a link from previous homeowners. Copy and paste it into your browser.!Am5v48Uu3jvIu6N9RhZHckrw23Sn9w?e=Bog12y

I am a non-smoker, fully vaccinated, and have my own transport.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Alexandra H.

Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, France - Juni 2024

I cannot possibly rate Glenda highly enough. She arrived exactly when she said she would, and was an active participant in our pre-departure orientation. She provided update photos and small pieces of information regarding her charges during our absence from the house. I was impressed to return home and find not only happy dogs, the house in excellent order, and realise that she had even been conscientious during her walks and collected a big bag of other people's litter. We would be utterly delighted to have Glenda return and take care of dogs and house at any time, and to welcome her back as a guest should her travels bring her back to our region in the future.


Tomar, Portugal - April 2024

Glenda was an awesome pet and house sitter. She looked after my cats and dogs and they adored her. She’s a lovely person, really interesting to talk to. She looked after my house and garden really well. I would thoroughly recommend Glenda to care for your home and pets. She is always welcome here.

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