Susan N.

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Yorkeys Knob, Queensland, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Susan N.

61 Jahre alt | Retired professional | Als Paar/Duo

Experienced, reliable, honest home owners who will treat your home and pets like they belong to us.

Why we want to house sit? We’ve spent over 35 years in the work force, Gordon a retired Police Officer, myself a retired Behavioural Scientist and Justice of the Peace. The kids have grown up and left home, and it’s our time to have the adventures of a lifetime, so we are exploring the world.

What do we bring to you? First off, as home owners, we are used to looking after our property which includes pool and large tropical gardens, vegetable gardens and fruit trees. We are energetic and handy around the home and usually look after most maintenance issues ourselves. We take pride in how our home looks. We have been pet owners so we understand the emotional attachment to the family pet.

We have house and pet sat throughout France, Scotland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Wales, Greece, Canada and Australia... each time looking after pets and or farm animals. The menagerie includes donkeys goats pigs chicken ducks dogs cats and exotic birds. We've done return sits which evidences our reliability and care to both homes and animals.

We are new to the Nomador site however 5 star reviews are available on the Trusted Housesitters site

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gordon (James), 65 Jahre alt, Retired Police Officer, Ehepartner / Partner

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